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How To Quickly Stop Your Low Confidence And Self Esteem From Ruining Your Life, Now!

If You Think That You Suffer From Low Self Esteem Or Confidence, You Must Read This Letter Now.  Your Happiness Depends On It!

Low Self-Esteem And Confidence Has A Crippling Effect On Your Relationships, Your Career, And Your Overall Quality Of Life.  In Fact, If Something Doesn’t Change Soon You Could End Up Feeling Isolated And Alone. 

It’s no secret that lack of confidence and low self-esteem can lead to a life full of regret and wondering what could have been.  If you experience any of the following you have to make a change immediately!   

-       You feel ashamed, embarrassed, and inferior.
-       You do not like yourself and make self-destructive decisions.
-       You avoid situations that might be difficult and have a hard time making eye contact with others. .
-       You hesitate to speak up for fear of sounding dumb and you always question yourself.
-       You don’t think your ideas are as good as other people’s and you get defensive easily.
-       You have a hard time speaking in public
-       Your increasing jealousy of your friends takes you to a dark place.
-       You have a hard time taking criticism and are consistently pessimistic
-       You expect little from yourself out of life.
-       You feel like you are not in control of your life and accept your situation as the way things are.
-       Fear of failure stops you from trying anything new.
-       You believe that you deserve to feel bad. 
-       You withdraw socially and isolate yourself from those you care about.

Again, If you suffer from any of these then YOU ARE NOT LIVING LIFE TO ITS FULLEST!  You do not have to walk through life wondering what you are capable of.  THIS IS YOUR LIFE!  DO NOT BE STUBBORN! 


You Don’t Have To Deal With The Expensive, Time Consuming Hassle Of Seeing A Psychologist Or A Psychiatrist

Seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist is time consuming and expensive.  In fact, it could take thousands of dollars and months of visits to achieve your goals.  Guided imagery can help you start to see a change immediately, and for a whole lot less money. 

Don’t wait around imprisoned by your lack of confidence and low self-esteem while throwing your money away. 

Raise Your Self Esteem And Confidence For Less Money And In Less Time Than If You Visited A Psychologist Or Therapist!!....... USING GUIDED IMAGERY!!

Our brains are programmed early in life to respond to certain stimuli and situations.  Some people experience things as they grow up that programs their brain in a way that causes low self-esteem and confidence. 

Guided Imagery is an, in expensive, hassle free therapeutic technique that essential reaches deep into your brain and reprograms it in a way that leaves you with high self-esteem and a booming confidence that last forever.

Unlike using a psychologist or psychiatrist Guided Imagery is inexpensive, highly effective, and can be done in the comfort of your home.  Plus you will start seeing change after your first session.

To better understand how guided imagery can change your life, further examine the causes of your low self-esteem and confidence. 

Some Causes Of Low Self-Esteem And Confidence


-       People who grow up in homes with little love and little attention often grown up with a lack of self worth. 


-       People who receive excessive criticism from parents or classmates may grow up feeling that nothing they do is every right.


-       Children who are abandoned as a child grow up wondering why, often blaming themselves. 


-       People who grow up being abused physically or mentally may feel like it is their fault or that they deserved to be treated that way.  They will often go through life expecting to be treated badly.


-       People who never find the success they are after develop an expectation of failure which sends them further into the darkness of low self-esteem and confidence. 


-       Sometimes it just takes one negative event in someone’s life that causes them to live a life with no self-esteem or confidence.  It could be as simple as getting laughed at on the bus on the way to school.

These are just a few of the things that cause low self-esteem and confidence.  Experiences like these program your mind to act in a way that robs you of your self-confidence and self-esteem.  Because of this you spend your life struggling to excel at work, struggling to stand up for yourself, struggle go after your dreams, and struggling to live a fulfilling life.  You don’t have to struggle anymore. 


With Our Guided Imagery Audio Tracks, You Can Raise Your Self Esteem and Boost Your Confidence By Re-training Your Brain. 

And you can do it from the comfort of your own home at a price that is less than the cost of a tank of gas. 

For just $47 you can begin turning your life around right now!  Imagine all the things you could accomplish if you just had the self-esteem and confidence to believe in yourself.  This is your chance to finally live the life you want. 

For $47, only $47!!!!!, you will receive our proven Guided Imagery audio tracks that guarantee to change your life…….



1) A Lifetime Of High Confidence And Self Esteem In 30 Days!

- Listen to this 30-minute audio track every day for just 30 days in a row and you will start to see major improvements in your self-esteem and self-confidence. 

2) The 15-Minute Confidence and Self Esteem Booster! 

- This 15-minute track is for those special times when you absolutely need a confidence boost immediately.  Whether you are speaking in public or just generally feeling overwhelmed with life, listen to this 15-minute track to help get you through it.    

If You Do Not See A Change In Your Confidence And Self Esteem After 30 days Of Listening To Our Audio Tracks, You Will Get 100% Of Your Money Back, GUARANTEED!!!!


The billions of neurons in the brain make up your ever-changing brain waves.  These brain waves direct the way that you feel and react to life.  The different types of brain waves play different roles.  Some direct creativity, others alertness.  The Theta brain waves affect deep relaxation, meditation, and memory enhancement.  Because of these brain waves, Guided Imagery is able to tap deep into your unconscious mind, stimulate all of your senses and reprogram your mind for success. 

You did not always have low self-esteem and confidence.  Your brain was trained in a way that caused your low self-esteem and confidence.  It can also be trained in a way that leads to high self-esteem and booming confidence.  Our audio tracks will tap into your unconscious mind, and reprogram your brain with our proven guided imagery script. 

Researchers are Ohio State, Yale, and Michigan State all found that GUIDED IMAGERY HAS SHOWN TO IMPROVE THE OVERALL QUALITY OF LIFE.

Guided Imagery In Action.

The smell of fresh cut grass may remind you of your father cutting the yard as a child.  A sound of a playground swing may remind you of where you use to play as a child.  The smell of a specific perfume or cologne may remind you of your first lover.  These memories all affect your brain in a way that triggers and emotional response.  This response causes you to behave in a certain way.  Our Guided Imagery audio tracks have the power to do this on a much deeper level.

Imagine the smell of rich chocolate cake baking in the oven.  The smell of it fills your kitchen.  You open up the over and the rich, chocolate smell gets stronger.  You spread the smooth, chocolate icing on top of the cake. 

You can taste the first bite before you even take it.  You cut that first piece of cake you have been waiting for and as you put the soft cake in your hands and raise it up, your mouth begins to water.  You sink your teeth in and take that first rich, delicious bite, and it is everything you imagined.

If you like chocolate you likely salivated just now.  If chocolate grosses you out, you may have gagged.  If chocolate did not do it for you, think about your favorite food. Think about it descriptively.  Picture it in your mind.  Taste it.  Smell it.  You will cause yourself to salivate without being anywhere near what you are thinking about. 

The reason is because the unconscious mind doesn’t always know the difference between what is real and what is imaginary.  For all it knows, you are eating that chocolate cake.  Guided Imagery changes your mind using this technique on a much deeper level to create a lifelong.  The brain can be changed!...... For only $47 dollars!

A Guided Imagery Session Works Like This

Instead of a traffic filled drive to a psychologist’s office, all you need for your Guided Imagery session is our $47 audio track, a peaceful place in your home, and a place to make yourself comfortable.  You want to be comfortable enough to completely relax but you do not want to fall asleep.  The session can go as long as you please but should be at least 20 minutes.   

Our Guided Imagery audio tracks will take you through a serious of deep relaxing breaths.  You will be breathing positive thought in and blowing negative thought out.  Once you are completely relaxed and your mind is ready for change, our audio track will steer your mind towards positive thoughts that leads to booming confidence and high self-esteem. 

You will begin to see a change in yourself after the first session.  The more you do it, the more confidence you will gain, and the more your overall quality of life will improve.  Before you know it, you will be doing things you have always dreamed of.  And all at a one time price of $47! 

Look at the alternative.  You could spend thousands of dollars and countless hours on a psychologist or psychiatrist that might help a little.  Or you can live the life of your dreams for $27!  That choice is easy.  

Frequently Ask Questions
Q: Why Should I Use Guided Imagery Instead Of Prescription Medication?
A:  Medication is expensive.  You have to pay every time you refill your prescription and if you stop taking the medication, your symptoms may come back.  Plus, psychological medication can cause your health insurance rate to rise.    

Q: How Do I Get My "Self Esteem And Confidence Booster" Copy?
A: You pay the ridiculously low free of $47 by clicking the “Add To Cart” button.  Then a link to download the Self Esteem And Confidence Booster MP3 is sent to your email.  Click to download and in a few minutes you’ll be on your way to a happier life. 

Q: Can I Get a CD Instead Of Downloading an MP3 File?
A: At this time, The Self Esteem and Confidence Booster is only available to download in MP3 format. 

Q: How Do I Do it?
A: To build a lifetime of confidence and high self-esteem, set aside 30 minutes a day for 30 days in a row.  Find a quiet place to relax, listen to the recording, and 1 month from now you will be accomplishing things you never imagined. 
When your feeling trapped and need an instant boost, listen to track 2.  15 minutes later you will be calm and back on the road to happiness. 
Q: What Will I Get?
A: 2 Life Changing Audio Tracks That will raise your confidence and self-esteem GUARANTEED or YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK!!!!
Track 1 is 30 minutes.  For the best possible results, listen to it 30 days in a row. 
Track 2 is 15 minutes and is for those situations when you need a lift immediately.
Q: What If I'm Not Happy With The Product And I See No Real Results?
A: If you don’t see results in 60 days or less, you get ALL OF YOUR MONEY BACK!!!!! THIS IS A RISK FREE OFFER.  YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE! 

Raise Your Self Esteem and Confidence!!!!  
With our proven method, you will take control of your life and enjoy the personal and career success you deserve!
A Faster, Less Expensive Way To A Happier Life.
Save thousands of dollars and countless hours by eliminating those awkward trips to your psychologist.  With the self esteem and confidence booster you will start feeling change immediately, from the comfort of your own home. 
Accomplish Anything Your Heart Desires!!!
Your low self esteem and confidence has prevented you from going after your dreams your whole life.  After listening to our audio tracks you will be transformed into a boldly confident individual.  You will no longer hold your tongue.  You will no longer fear new adventures.  You will know that you possess the self-esteem and confidence to be the person you have always wanted to be!
Start NOW!!!!!!!!
Download the recording RIGHT NOW and start noticing the effects immediately!


Get your copy of The Self-Esteem and Confidence Booster NOW for only $27! 

THE LONGER YOU WAIT THE MORE OPPORTUNITIES YOU MISS AND THE FURTHER INTO ISOLATION YOU FALL!  You can change your life for $27!  That’s it.  In fact, if you do not experience a boost in your confidence and self-esteem, WE WILL GIVE YOUR MONEY BACK! THIS IS


PS:         It is proven that raising self-esteem and confidence improves your life significantly. 
PPS:       If you do not take action immediately, you could live to regret it for the rest of your life.
PPPS:     The first step is to have the confidence to know that you can take control of your life!