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Our Story
Friendship. That is the best word to describe how 3LINX began back in 2002. A friend of ours, who was an online retailer, asked us if we could help them out. Having been a supportive friend to us, it was the least we could do to answer with an enthusiastic, “Yes!!!”. They wanted us to streamline their order fulfillment and logistics operation to help simplify everything for their business. So we put our heads together and figured out that the best way to simplify and streamline this process was to set up their entire back end support structure.
The result was beyond what any of us could have imagined. Our solution helped our friend achieve a revenue growth of 600% in less than a year. Everyone involved was thrilled. Their business was booming like never before and we learned how to better serve our customers. We knew what we needed to do. Along with strengthening our third party logistics solutions, we continued to branch into eCommerce, and contact center services. By helping our friend, we discovered something about ourselves. We discovered a way to offer a single source solution to the brands we worked with. We discovered a way to eliminate hassle by unifying commerce. We discovered 3LINX!
Today, leading businesses around the globe including ISO 9001 certified manufacturers, internet retailers and trade associations rely upon 3LINX to deliver on the promises they make. We are honored to work with them and we are honored to call them our friends. Now, we want to discover how we can help you. So call one of our various locations, we’d love to talk to you. A great business relationship starts with getting to know the people behind the business. That is why our President and CEO aren’t absent figureheads that our customers never see. They, instead, are active participants in business communications whoform a bond with every single customer we have.


Aley Raza

CEO and Co-Founder
Aley is a retired Brigadier General who draws from his 35 years of military logistics experience to make sure 3LINX is the world’s premier service provider of unified commerce services. With a dual degree in Mathematics and War Studies, Aley is a strategy machine that helps 3LINX and its customers find many roads to success. The father of 3LINX’s father and son tandem uses a strong military work ethic, discipline, and a commitment to excellence to keep 3LINX running like a well-oiled machine. This military man knows that the smoother everything runs for us, the smoother everything runs for our customers. And providing our customers with exceptional service is his number 1 goal.

Kashif Raza

President and Co-Founder
With a dual Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Columbia Business School and International Affairs (MIA) from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) in New York and a BS in Economics from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Kashif barely has enough room on his office wall to hang all of his degrees. While his wall space may be limited, his ideas are limitless. Open minded and innovative, Kashif gets excited about continually learning new ways to improve. He understands that even the best can get better. Armed with knowledge and a thirst for something new, Kashif joined forces with his father, Aley, to lead the charge in transforming 3LINX into a powerhouse single source solutions provider for brands all over the world. Kashif’s positive attitude, work ethic, and excellent personal skills make him a hands on type President that ensures top notch service for all of 3LINX customers.

AirportGeek App

The dragging boredom of waiting to get on an airplane is all too familiar for pilots, members of the cabin crew, and frequent flyers.  It is boredom so intense that it often makes you want to leap head first into a propeller.  You’re in an airport, what ways are there to pass the time?  You could play an exciting game of Sit and Stare at People.  However, long periods of awkward staring could get you an unwanted tickle session with the TSA.  You could get yourself a nice meal.  That is assuming you have an extra $3,000 to spend on a hotdog.  Or you could make the best of your time in purgatory and sharpen your mind by playing some good ole fashion trivia with an airport twist.  The AirportGeek iphone app is the cure to the maddening boredom that is airport waiting.  Here’s how it works.  If you are a frequent flyer, cabin crewmember, pilot, or one of those aviation enthusiasts then you are probably aware of IATA airport codes.  AirportGeek is a trivia game that lends meaning to those otherwise meaningless identification codes by making them the source of a quiz.  You are given the name of an airport.  If you can guess the three-letter code that goes with it, you can earn points, game credits, and extra time!  No more pulling your hair out as time crawls to the moment you can finally board your flight.  With the AirpotGeek app, you won’t mind waiting for your flight.  Play with a friend.  Play with a stranger.  Heck, get a terminal wide game started and you may never want to leave the airport!


As a frequent flyer, I’ve spent lots of time in airports.  Tired of waiting around for flights in a zombie like daze, my colleagues and I were determined to make use of the free time.  So I started thinking about those IATA airport codes.  They peaked my curiosity because of the frequency of lost luggage.  I wondered, “Wouldn’t using a code instead of airport names on checked baggage just cause confusion and lead to more lost bags?”  Instead of investigating the reasoning behind the codes, I decided to see how many airports and three letter codes I could match.  As a frequent flyer and trivia buff, I thought it would be as easy as autopilot.  I was wrong.  I started to realize how many different airports and codes there were.  It was kind of like trying to name all of the state capitals if there were hundreds of states and you never really paid attention to what the capitals were.  So I created a list of what ended up being several hundred airports.  I used primary U.S. airports that provided scheduled passenger services and had over 10,000 passengers boarding per year.  Thus the AirportGeek Iphone app was born.  The game has keep my friends and I occupied during air travel ever since.  So next time you are waiting around in an airport or on an airplane, let AirporkGeek stimulate your mind and eliminate your boredom.